The Police Commissioner is required by law to produce a Police and Crime Plan for Merseyside.

This important document shapes and informs the way policing and community safety is delivered in the county.

The Merseyside Police and Crime Plan will run from 2021-2025.

It sets out three clear priorities which will set the strategic direction for the Commissioner's work during her term of office and how she will work with Merseyside Police and partners to deliver your policing and community safety priorities.

The Plan focuses on three key priority areas:

  • Fighting Crime; Proactive Policing
  • Supporting Victims; Safer Communities
  • Driving Change; Prevent Offending

The launch of the Plan in October 2021, follows a six-week 'Safer Merseyside' consultation, during which the Police Commissioner Emily Spurrell spoke to more than 1,200 members of the public, partners, key stakeholders and elected representatives about the issues that matter most to them.

View or download the Police and Crime Plan 2021-2025


FINAL Police And Crime Plan 2021 25If you would like a printed copy of the Police and Crime Plan, or a copy of the report in any other format such as Easy Read, please get in touch using our Contact page.