Merseyside Police to update on impact and consequences of violent disorder at PCC’s public Scrutiny Meeting

Police van

The impact and consequences of the violent disorder on policing across Merseyside will be set out at the Police and Crime Commissioner’s public Scrutiny Meeting today.

The Chief Constable, Serena Kennedy, and her senior team will update Emily Spurrell and the public on the work to respond to the tragedy which took place in Southport and the scenes of shameful violence and disorder which followed.

It will detail the impact on the organisation, including the number of officers who suffered injuries during the riots.

The meeting will give the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) the opportunity to pay tribute to officers and staff for the commitment, bravery, and dedication they showed on that horrific day and in the face of appalling abuse and violence which took place in the following week.

As part of the session covering ‘emerging issues’ the PCC will also recognise and thank Merseyside Police for the detailed planning which has been undertaken in preparation for Labour Party conference and the complex ongoing police operation which is still underway.

During the three-hour meeting at Mann Island, the PCC will then scrutinise a wide range of issues in relation to Merseyside Police’s workforce, including recruitment and vacancies, sickness levels and the support available to officers and staff, as well as the diversity of the organisation.

Chief Officers will also provide an update on the work to delivery locally on the national Police Race Action Plan which sets out the changes needed across policing to improve outcomes for Black people.

Other topics which will be covered include the work underway to drive improvements in the care for those with neurodiverse conditions and suffering from mental ill health. It will also include questions submitted by the public and from the PCC’s two independent scrutiny members.

Members of the public are encouraged to watch the meeting live at 1pm today.

A recording will also be available on the PCC’s website afterwards.  

Merseyside’s Police and Crime Commissioner Emily Spurrell said: “It has been a hugely challenging time for our region and our police service.

“Today’s public Scrutiny Meeting gives me the opportunity to reflect on these deeply difficult incidents with the Chief Constable and her team and provide the public with an update.

“It also gives me an opportunity to pay tribute to the officers who responded on that awful day in Southport, putting the safety of others before their own and acting with bravery, care, and compassion. Many of those officers were back on the shift the next day when the first of the violent disorder hit our region and were forced to endure the most disgraceful abuse and violence.

“Merseyside Police’s response to these unprecedented challenges was excellent and the feedback I’ve had from the public has been overwhelmingly positive, so this meeting gives me a public forum to give my thanks, and the thanks of local people, to all those involved.

“As always, my Scrutiny Meetings will also give me the opportunity to scrutinise the work of the Chief Constable and her team on a whole host of topics which matter to our communities. This session will range from recruitment and representation to improving trust and confidence in our Black communities and the work underway to support some of the most vulnerable people in our communities.

“It is one of the most important parts of my role to monitor how Merseyside Police are progressing against the priorities set out in my Police and Crime Plan and to scrutinise the force on how they are meeting the needs of the communities they serve. The issues discussed today are important conversations that need to be addressed if we are to continue to build trust and confidence within the force.   

“As always, I will also be dedicating some time to put questions submitted by members of the public on the policing issues which affect them, so I would encourage people to tune in to watch the discussion live today or view it later on my website.”